WPScan configurations

WPScan path

Path to wpscan executable.
If WPScan is installed with RVM could be: /usr/local/rvm/gems/default/wrappers/wpscan.
With docker, could be: docker run -it --rm wpscanteam/wpscan.
If missing, assume wpscan is in your PATH.


WPScan arguments

Global WPScan arguments.
Must be a valid Json string.

See wpscan --help for more informations about WPScan options

wpscan_args=[   "--format", "json",
                "--detection-mode", "aggressive",
                "--enumerate", "t,p,tt,cb,dbe,u,m",
                "--api-token", "YOUR_API_TOKEN" ]

Overwrite with --wpargs "WPScan arguments". If you run into option parsing error, start the arguments string with a space or use equals sign --wpargs="[...]" to avoid argparse bug.

You can store the API Token in the WPScan default config file at ~/.wpscan/scan.yml and not supply it via the wpscan CLI argument in the WPWatcher config file. See WPSacn readme.

Per site WPScan arguments
Arguments will be appended to global WPScan arguments.

wp_sites=   [
            "wpscan_args":["--stealthy", "--http-auth", "myuser:p@assw0rD"]
            "wpscan_args":["--disable-tls-checks", "--enumerate", "ap,vt,tt,cb,dbe,u,m"]

Sleep when API limit reached

Wait 24h when API limit has been reached.
Default behaviour will consider the API limit as a WPScan failure and continue the scans (if not fail_fast) leading into making lot’s of failed commands


Overwrite with arguments: --wait

Follow redirection

If WPScan fails and propose to use --ignore-main-redirect, parse output and scan redirected URL.
Default to No


Overwrite with arguments: --follow

Scan timeout

Default to 15m. You could have to increase scan timeout if you use enumerating features or password attack.
